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当时正在拍摄的金贤重被紧急送入医院,及时接受了治疗,现在正在家中修养,但是因为17日下午还有广告拍摄,恐怕不能得到充分的休息. P! F. K1 m9 [4 R9 w

4 i7 i% \# u8 I! O" 金贤重的经济公司方面表示"已经是第二次晕倒了所以非常担心,医院方面也劝说让尽量休息,但是因为拍摄日程安排,休息比较困难." www.krmtv.com8 s# l+ r# ?- d  z6 Z3 B


Despite the entire production getting a little break over the weekend since the scenes for Macau (showing this week) had been filmed beforehand, it was reported that Kim Hyun Joong who is playing Yoon Ji Ho in KBS2TV Boys Before Flowers had fainted on set. He had fainted once when filming in Macau and yesterday was his second time.

Hyun Joong was immediately sent to the hospital for treatment and was back home resting for the whole of yesterday. But he’s unlikely to get much rest as he was scheduled for a commercial shoot this afternoon. According to a DSP Entertainment representative, “We were pretty worried as this was his second time. The doctors have advised that Hyun Joong should get as much rest as possible. But because of the schedule, it’s quite difficult.”

It has been a worrying time for fans of the popular drama with their idols either getting in unfortunate accidents, lack of proper sleep, injuries, etc.



韩联社首尔2月17日电 歌手兼演员金贤重(23岁)最近因交通事故造成的腰疼而苦不堪言。
- R) B! O! O6 ~! ~/ {1 I'
. j5 q$ t2 j9 c+ @$ O- M8 W* i, N金贤重上月前往KBS电视剧《花样男子》的拍摄现场时,在清溪川附近遭遇撞车事故。当时金贤重就感觉腰部疼痛,医院也劝金贤重住院接受治疗,但由于拍摄日程紧张,将治疗日期推迟至电视剧杀青的三月末。韩国MTV网[韓流明星论坛]- Q! C" w. m9 g0 b8 q: j8 B$ h

$ M$ v$ T$ x4 b7 M: D& W) R韩国MTV网[韓流明星论坛]金贤重经纪公司表示:“金贤重的腰一直没好,在拍完《花样男子》后将取消一切活动,接受一个月的治疗。SS501原计划于4月份在日本推出唱片,但已推迟到5月份。电视剧杀青后还有广告等着拍,因此将调整日程,让金贤重得到充分的休息。”


Kim Bum.jpg

Boys Over Flowers cutie Kim Bum went back to the hospital for a foot surgery again on Feb. 13. He suffered a toe injury on the 9th in a car accident. This time his sutures didn’t heal properly and needed to be re-done. Although the injury is not serious, there’s a risk of getting an infection if not treated properly, so they took precautionary measures to sew up his foot again.

From Feb. 14th on, Kim Bum will no longer be able to be filmed walking or shown from the leg down because he will not be able to wear shoes on his right foot. Production states that shooting his feet/legs will be difficult with his cast in the way.







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