Super Junior’s 3rd album is told to release after their Super Show Encore on January 03 and 04, 2009. According to Super Junior’s leader Lee Teuk, their album will include 2 English classic love songs “Ocean Deep” originated by Cliff Richard and “Mandy” originated by Barry Manilow in Korean version.
Lee Teuk gave a little sample of the song but never sang it in Korean to crave the fans of what the English hit songs would sound in Korean. “I like the part of the song “Ocean Deep” because I used to call myself “angel” and I am the one playing the piano of this. Here is the best lyrics I memorized…
“I wanna spread my wings
But I just can’t fly
As a string of pearl sapphire blue balloons
The pretty ELF go sailing by
Ocean deep, will I ever find a lover
Maybe she has found another
And as I cry myself to sleep
I know this love of mine I’ll keep, ocean deep.”
Not Much Hankyung Participation in SJ 3rd Album
Coming out on Spring 2009, Super Junior’s third album is going to be a bit disappointing for “Hannians” as Han Geng made less participation on the album due to his busy schedule.
Super Junior’s managing company promised to involve Han Geng more on SJ-M’s upcoming new single releases to make it up to the fans.
Super Junior members are happy that their third album is almost ready and are hoping for a big welcome back party by ELF.