Today suppose to be a usual day...but since i wanna to write it in blog, sure something unnormal happen....hahaha....
Today, lecturer told us about the presentation.....Just one of our group member needs to represent our group to do presentation....So, i thought just he need to wear formal....But, lecturer said "Since this is a group work, so all of you must wear the same"....= =lll which means all of us need to wear formal also......
In my mind, I start to think of formal cloth....omg...i don't have formal cloth ....and next week wanna to do i have enough time.....where i can buy that price cheap if i go to that place.....many questions appear in my mind....
Just in that time, my friend asked me " You don't have class after this , right?" ....."Ya" (i answer)...."Then we can go for shopping to buy formal cloth" i immediately phoned my dad for permission while my class still going on.....i explained with my dad the conditional.....then my lovely dad said "Ok, but be careful"....
After that, i went to find my brother to put all my notes in his car.....and went back to the class after settle everything......
Hahaha.....Lucky there has the formal cloth that suit my taste....but actually i think it is a bit expensive.....However, next semester until my degree i also need to use it when do presetation....After i graduate, i can wear it to work.....So, it is worth for it.......
- Jul 15 Tue 2008 20:32
heLp !!! mY leG vErY tIR3d ....